70 Ryskulov Street
Total area 1.9251 ha
Warehouses 6,392.8 sq.m.
Productive area 1,658 sq. m.
Office space 1,427.7 sq.m.

52, 52A, 60A Tobayakov Street
Total area 16,887.8 square meters
Warehouses 16,086.8 sq.m.
Administrative building 801 sq.m.
Railway track 332 sq.m.
Warehouse servicing railway area 0.1375 hectar
Office space
Warehouse complex with access for lorries and
Railway trains
Open space for storage of large-sized cargoes and containers
Paved area
A large number of hoisting equipment with the capacity of 500 kg up to 25 tons, including: hand-operated jacks, forklifts lifts (electric, gas, diesel, gasoline)
Roofed area for loading and unloading
ATS Samsung 60, 12 analog telephone lines
Internet at a speed of 100 Mb/sec
24-hour security of the territory
Fire system
Video surveillance system